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Saturday, March 24, 2012


The 74th anual Hunger Games are here! Even though we haven't seen the past 73, we get to see this one!
   So, the movie's critic reviews are great (the majority), and a bunch of people, including a few i know, have seen it and said it's awesome. Yet, I still haven't seen it. I read the book so I'm very excited for this. I've been waiting for about a year or so for it, and followed the news on it's development. I kind of stalked the film, if thats possible. Now it's out and I'm sitting around, waiting for a chance to be taken to the movie theatre to see it. If it results in being as awesome as the book, I will frame that movie ticket sub on my wall. If it doesn't I'll bury it in my popcorn. Then shoot an arrow through the popcorn.


  1. Added to my iPod's home screen and bookmarked this page. Write more stuff! And take of the capcha thing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the weird looking text that u have to type when u commentto verify ur human instead of a spam program

  4. Will an old old lady like this movie?
